An Example of Job Analysis

Betül Görken
4 min readJul 23, 2019


In this analysis KSAO and PAQ methods were used.

You can access the analysis as a pdf format here:

Background Information For Violin Teacher

Job Analyst’s Name: Betül Görken

Title: Violinist and Violin Teacher

Male/Female: Female

Number of Students: 15 (2017–2018)

Date Incumbent Started Job: 2007

General Purpose of Position

The primary purpose of this position to play violin in orchestra and to teach playing the violin to people. As a teacher, teaches in their field of certification and provides instruction, assesses student achievement and progress, and manages the learning environment.


License to work

This job has licensing requirements. You must graduate university for work as a professional. Somebody who hasn’t got license, can’t work legal music schools or other legal instrument teaching centers. Hearing abilities are so important. Pressing right wire on right time require attention, critical thinking, coordination and of course full concentrate. Experiences don’t need but playing in an orchestra and teahing many years can increase hiring chance for this jobs.

Summary of Responsibilities and Duties (Task Analysis)

Even being a musician, if somebody is a instrument teacher , playing like a vituosse is not enough she or he also must has teaching skills.

· Having musical and teaching ability

· Having strong muscle coordination

· Having attention and speed thinking ability

· Reading notes and knowing musical terms

· Teaching music theory, aural skills and practical techniques to pupils

· Having patience, perseverance and excellent communication skills ,much of your time is spent with a range of students at different musical levels

· Planning and preparing lessons in relation to individual pupils’ needs and examination syllabuses

· Acquiring appropriate teaching materials and resources

· Motivating pupils and encouraging progress

Job Specifications for Violin Teacher

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA’s) Required by the Position

Knowledge of:

Instrument Playing Knowledge

Reading Note Knowledge

Musical Terms

Music History

Fine Arts

İmportant Compositions — Especially basic compositions like Küchler- Opus11

Education and Training

Mechanical informations about that ınstrument — Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance.

Skills to:

Active Listening

Coordination* — Adjusting actions in relation to others’ actions.

- Fingers- Wrist- Arm- Elbow- Shoulder — Whole Posture coordination

‘at the same time’

- Eyes and muscle coordination

- Seeing — Hearing coordination

- Press wire with left hand and use violin bow with right hand

High Muscle Activity — This job requires lots of time practices so, all body but especially neck must be intact.


Critical Thinking — To press right wire on right time or to management others’ false movements in orchestra.

Teaching Skills — Even if play violin s/he must know teaching skills as a teacher

Give Instructions Clearly

Clasroom Management Skills

Coaching and Developing Others



*coordination is also related with mental processess.

Ability to:

Playing Another Instrument

Knowing Other Instruments’ Meachanical Informations — Even if not play.

Speed of Reading Notes

Auditory Attention — The ability to focus on a single source of sound in the presence of other distracting sounds.

Copying Behavior — A violin teacher must analyze false playing behavior of students’ and show their false behavior on her or his violin.

Oral Comprehension and Expression

Strong Muscle Ability — Especially Arm-Hand Steadiness

Manual Dexterity — The ability to quickly move your hand, your hand together with your arm, or your two hands to grasp


Required by Position Analysis (PAQ)

Supervisory Controls

Not need any supervisory control


High Thinking Functions

High Attention

Speed Reasoning

Always be ready mentally

Analyzing Ritms

Obtain Speed

Obtain Note Staying Time

Personal Contacts

This job does not require good relationships colleques but it needs good relationship with students/ pupils.

Work Environment

Anechoic Room — Isoleted from sounds

Large Area

Isoleted from distracter things

Work Output


Violin Bow (Fiddlestick)

Resin (Reçine)


Should Desk

Music Stand


· Except people who haven’t got hand, arm and disadvantages in terms of hearing other disadvangated people can work for this job. As I mentioned seeing, eyes coordination is important but some blind people can do this job because if I write that like Likert Scale from high (5) to low (0) hearing is 5; touching is 4; seeing is 2.

· In terms of ‘gender’, actually, there is no different being female or male but no one can deny the fact that mans have lots of strong muscles but this is not a criteria.

· Salaries : 28 dollar/hours in USA (2016)

.8.5 Turkish Liras in Turkey (2018) (not personal tutor, in an music center



Betül Görken

Rationalist. Realist. Individualist. Genel psikoloji konularının yanı sıra iş-yaşam tecrübelerimi, gözlemlerimi paylaşıyorum. Psikoloğum ve Hukuk öğrencisiyim.